Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon- Cultivated for millennia

Beware of soy with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon
Can become a villain when consumed in excess
Cultivated for millennia by the Orientals, soy is now recognized as a major source of protein and vegetable oil in the world - and Brazil is one of the main producers follow this approach

This grain is part of the legume family, as well as beans, lentils and peas. It has high protein, rich in iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, vitamin E and fiber - important nutrients for our health.

During the time, the soybean was viewed as a "miracle grain", which could prevent many diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, diabetes and even cancer.
However, many previous studies and other ongoing indicate that soy, like any other food, brings benefits, but can be harmful if consumed in excess. "

She possesses photo estrogens able to help decrease cholesterol and improve osteoporosis.
By the amount of photo hormones present, decreases symptoms of PMS and menopause
Can also act in immunity because of an amino acid, argentine, which enters into the composition of nitric oxide - a substance produced in our major arteries and veins responsible for vase dilation and prevention of hypertension, "explains Daniela Jobs, nutritionist and functional member Institute for Functional Medicine, USA Visit Link:

Alessandra Rodriguez, nutritionist collaborator Group Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, Hospital das Clinics, Faculty of Medicine, USP (University of São Paulo) adds: with Customized fat loss info by Kyle Leon

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